Selected Practice Areas
Attorney and Professor Rita M. Lauria brings deep experience and understanding of education law and procedure to our education practice. At Metalaw®.US we have great respect and appreciation for our educational institutions and believe they generally attempt to do what is right. However, like any other bureaucracy made up of people, sometimes mistakes are made or good intentions are hindered by thoughtless or poorly motivated individuals. When this happens, Dr. Rita Lauria understands what options exist for faculty, students, administrators, and staff and knows the simplest and most economical and effective ways to pursue those options. With more than twenty years in the academy serving as faculty or in administration at our universities of higher learning, Rita Lauria, PhD, Attorney and Mediator, brings to bear a professional background on the inside of higher education. This background both as teaching faculty and in educational administration proves invaluable in knowing how the higher educational systems work and what it takes to get results.
Rita Lauria was specifically selected by the university when faculty there to serve as conflict mediator of grievances between faculty, staff, and other university employees. She was recognized by the Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles for her contributions to the Alternative Dispute Resolution programs of the court. Dr. Lauria brings this deep experience to our education practice at Metalaw®.US. She understands that settling conflicts between people and reaching agreement is possible sometimes without litigation.
Dr. Rita Lauria’s long experience in higher education makes her uniquely suited to advocate for clients who face disputes within the educational systems. Whether such conflict arises between faculty, staff, administration, or student, Dr. Lauria has the extensive experience in education and educational systems to know what to do when disputes arise.
If you find you cannot solve your problem in the educational system, let Metalaw®.US step in. Rita M.Lauria, PhD, Attorney, and Mediator knows what to do.
Case: Student teacher in teacher credentialing program denied passing grade and letter of good standing by administration.
Resolution: Letter of Good standing issued.
"Dear Dr. Lauria,
Thank you for all of your work regarding this matter. Your efforts have been most helpful, and I am positive your knowledge and expertise helped to bring this matter to a successful conclusion. I appreciate your time and effort.
Cliffton W."
"This testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of any legal matter."